As of September 13, 2024Here's some of the current stuff I'm focusing on!
Watching: ALL of Spongebob (including spinoffs!) - Currently on Season 11/14Listening: Squidward - Beautiful Dreamer
Reading: RSS Feeds of my Friends!
Writing: The code for this site!!!
Playing: Second Life!
Developing: A pitch for Silver Sprocket!
Making: Anthology Comic for Oneshi Press!
Learning: Something new every day...
Feeling: Excited about the future!!!
Remembering: To tie my shoes
Interested In: Learning 3D Modeling!

NEW! Check out my DREAMWIDTH Blog! 
Current Space(s)

Places to Find me On the NET!
CoHost: @softwareangel - RIP. COHOST FOREVER.DreamWidth: Softwareangel
Email: s0ftw4re.4ngel(at)
Grundo's Cafe: ~softwareangel
BBS: Big Beautiful System , a few others (but I'm still getting a foothold and scoping out those boards first before sharing)