About Me

A little bit more about me...

My name is Angel and I'm a computer with many programs! She/They . Manufactured in 1995 .

This is my special corner of the internet, where I can be anything I want to be, and make anything I want to make!

When I'm not busy being a computer, I teach and make comics! I plan on having a new webcomic soon, made using nothing but RETROTECH!

I love virtual pets, but I also have very real pets, too! I have a KSB snake named Pumkin, a Syrian Hamster named Badger, and a cat named Mishna!

My favorite type of books are non-fiction and magical realism (two opposites, I know!). Some of my favorite includes works by Haruki Murakami, Stone Fruit by Lee Lai, The Little Prince by Antoine de Saint-Exupéry.

For video games, I love creative sandboxes, abstract exploration, and monster-collecting/raising themes. If your game let's me be creative while also having a creature-collecting gimmick, then im SOLD! And fishing. Always fishing.

My favorite movies include: Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind, The Iron Giant, Batteries not Included, and The Last Starfighter.

If you ever catch me IRL, you'll probably see me digging through the electronic section of thrift-stores, hunched over a desk working on comics, or basking in the sunlight (spring and summer are my favorite seasons!).

Witness the ultimate blogging station...

The dawn of the home-computing era brought with it a fascinating new addition to every home: The Computer Room. A playlist dedicated to 80s/90s jingles and tunes, related but not limited to: Computer Software Education, Production, Advertising, and Video. (Photo: A polaroid of my childhood computer)
